JFsys 13th Anniversary & Awards Ceremony for Excellent Staff

At noon of September 5, 2012, all employees in JFsys had lunch together to celebrate the 13th anniversary of the founding of the company in Peking Mansion.

In the meeting, the company leader proposed a toast, in which he told everyone how much he appreciated all of their hard-work, and at the same time gave the prospects for next year’s work.

The company recognized outstanding employees buy awarding them with trophies and prizes. The outstanding employees were Ding Shang,Zhang Fasheng,Yin Dongdong,Yu Chao,Sun Chuan,Jiang Tao,Li Weilin,Wang Guoqing,Liu Song. The outstanding managers were Leng Wei,Geng Xiejian. The best team was Quan Li’s group. The whole activity ended in laughter and happiness.



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